1. 协助地区主任完成和各内部及外部部门的协调工作,协助完成各类商业目标和活动的准备文件;
Assist South-East Asia Regional Head to Complete the coordination with internal and external departments,Assist to complete the documents for various business objectives and activities.
2. 协助地区主任整理归纳商业文档并翻译日常商业报告;
Assist South-East Asia Regional Head to organize and summarize business documents and translate daily business reports.
3. 协助与东南亚目标市场监管局的沟通,包括会议组织、资料准备、会议记录、资料存档等。
Assist to communicate with local Market Supervision Bureau, including meeting organization, data preparation, meeting minutes, data archiving, etc
4. 协助地区主任处理各类行政及外部公共事务的沟通事宜(政府、外部客户及供应商等);
Assist South-East Asia Regional Head to Handle all kinds of administrative
and external public affairs communication (eg.government affairs, external
customers and suppliers, etc.)
5. 协助地区主任完成研究调查,主动了解内外部信息,供领导决策;
Assist South-East Asia Regional Head to complete research and investigation, take the initiative to know the internal and external information for leadership decision-making.
6. 上级要求及安排的其他临时工作
Work closely with other departments, complete other tasks arranged by the superiors.
二、任职资格Requirements and Qualifications,
1. 学历要求 Educational Requirements
Bachelor’s degree or above, major in international trade, International public relations or related field
2. 工作经验要求Working Experience Requirements
Minimum of 1years experience in the administrative or related field,familiar with Indonesia medical or pharmaceutical administrative procedures
3. 知识能力要求 Knowledge and Skill requirements,
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, Proficiency in English and Chinese,knowledge of additional languages relevant to the region is a plus.
4. 其他补充信息 Additional information
Indonesia citizen or Indonesia permanent resident,familiar with local culture and business environment, positive, having inner impetus to finish the work

财务开票员 面议洪山区 应届毕业生 不限湖北人福医药集团有限公司
会开车 车辆运营 驾驶(长/短期) 8000-12000元武昌区 应届毕业生 不限武汉恒金远途物流有限公司
商家运营顾问(管理储备生)-生活服务 10000-16000元洪山区 应届毕业生 本科北京字节跳动网络技术有限公司
商家运营顾问-生活服务-到店综合 8000-13000元洪山区 应届毕业生 本科北京字节跳动网络技术有限公司
商家运营顾问-生活服务-酒店旅游 8000-13000元洪山区 应届毕业生 本科北京字节跳动网络技术有限公司
商家运营顾问(餐饮/酒旅/教育) 8000-13000元洪山区 应届毕业生 本科北京字节跳动网络技术有限公司